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The Pinnacle Club was established in 1921 in North Wales and its objectives have remained the same since then: to encourage the development of rock climbing and mountaineering amongst women and bring together those who are interested in those pursuits.

What does the Pinnacle Club do?

The club has a full programme of meets - around 30 throughout the year. Many meets take place at weekends in various climbing areas throughout the UK but some are longer or further afield. Some meets are based in huts, others on campsites. The number of people on meets varies according to location, time of year and, of course, the weather. Members climb together according to interests and ability. The activities of Pinnacle Club members extend beyond rock climbing to hill walking, winter and Alpine climbing, ski mountaineering, Himalayan expeditions, fell running, mountain biking, caving, canoeing and other outdoor activities.

We have our own hut at the base of Snowdon, which is available to members, members of kindred clubs, and some outside groups.

A newsletter is distributed three times a year, the Club handbook is issued annually and a Journal every three years. We are proud of our story

Introductory meets

Intro Meets make an enjoyable introduction to the Club because it’s likely that several newcomers will be there together. You’ll have the opportunity to climb with existing Club members in a friendly and supportive social setting.

To attend any meet, we expect you to be able to lead a trad climb including placing protection, building anchors and belaying a second. Please note that introductory meets are an introduction to the club, not an intro to climbing! If you are unsure whether you have sufficient skills in climbing outdoors, contact us and we can advise. You may also wish to consider attending a course.

Look at the Meets Calendar for upcoming dates, and then contact the membership secretary about joining the Club.

Other meets in the programme

Women climbers interested in the Club are welcome on most meets, so if you have experience of leading outdoors it is not necessary to restrict yourself just to the intro meets. Some venues may be easier for you than others or you may prefer certain dates. The choice is yours!

Work with us

Pinnacle Club members have created opportunities and forged paths for women's climbing since 1921. Our international meet in the 1980s saw ground-breaking first female ascents; our more recent international meet in 2016 inspired the successful Women's Trad Festival, which ran for eight years. Since we passed our first centenary in 2021, our mission is to keep inspiring and enabling new generations of women to develop as rock climbers and mountaineers and more widely, through access to outdoor spaces.

If you are an individual or lead a group of women, and have ideas about getting out there - maybe onto a crag, into the mountains or even for an expedition, then chat to us. We know that some of the best experiences start with a small conversation. We would love to hear from you.  Maybe you have big ideas about how all women in our society should be included in the outdoors, or you have always wanted to take a step towards the outdoors, a real crag or an expedition but haven't seen the right opportunity? Contact us  with the subject line: SHARE OUR FUTURE for a personal response.