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Step 1 - Simple: join us on a meet!

If you're 18 or over and a competent trad leader, preferably on multi-pitch routes, having completed a minimum of two summer seasons and led for example in The Peak District plus at least one multi-pitch location such as Snowdonia, The Lake District or Scotland, contact us to tell us a bit about yourself and to find out which meets might suit you. You may even have a particular meet in mind. A few people come along with a climbing partner, but most come on their first meet on their own. We'll always sort you out with someone to climb with. The meet coordinator will send you details of where to go, what to bring and who else is going in case you want to lift share. You'll need to bring at least your own personal equipment - rock boots, helmet, harness, belay device and slings, and if you have rope and rack as well that's great; otherwise there are always people willing to share gear.

Some meets are more adventurous and challenging than others. For meets in mountainous areas you'll be expected to have some hill walking experience and basic navigation skills. Any sea cliff leading would be an advantage and for winter meets competence with ice axes and crampons is essential.

Step 2 - Become a prospective member

If after your first meet, you decide you'd like to come on more meets, talk with the Membership Secretary. She'll send you a form to register as a prospective member. This is easy and the only cost is for BMC insurance – see below. Once you're registered, you'll have access to book on the meets you fancy via the meets page. We have a mix and match approach so don't worry about being left out. We encourage prospectives to climb with different members so that you can get to know people in the Club and to build up experience.

Climbers in the Peak district

Step 3 - Become a member

You need to display enough skill and competence to lead safely on traditionally-protected climbs and be prepared to share in the activities of the Club. You should have taken an active part in the Club’s activities for a minimum of six months, or have the written support of at least four Club members. Your application must also be proposed and seconded by members of the Club with whom you have climbed. The membership secretary will guide you through the application process.

Liability and Insurance

Now the boring bit... Climbing and Mountaineering are activities with a danger of personal injury or death. Participants in these activities do so voluntarily. Individuals should be aware of and accept these risks and are responsible for their own actions and involvement. The Pinnacle Club is affiliated to the BMC and is insured for any organised event or activity. Club members are also insured for liability claims by third parties whilst participating in outdoor pursuits.

When you register as a Prospective Member you need to pay the BMC Club Membership fee. You must do this via the Club to ensure that you are covered by the Club's civil liability insurance. If you already pay this fee through another club or as an individual member you can claim the duplicate payment back from the BMC.

Please contact the Membership Secretary (using the form below) to discuss coming on your first meet.